Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Bram's Black HoleNine cubes (and a hole) in a frame. The cubes change orientation while being moved.
Bram's BrickA hexahedron with an unusual prismatic axis system.
Bram's CubeA 2x2x3 cuboid with a split and geared middle layer.

Bram's Cube PlusImproved version of Bram's cube with six-teeth-gears and exposed slider pieces.
Bram's FortressEight cubes which outwards going faces twist connected to each other in sets of four faces.
Bram's HexicThe next level of Bram's Magic: Six balls but this times also six moves per sphere instead of four.

Bram's MagicSix ball connected in a loop. The moves defy everything you might know from twistypuzzles.
Bram's Magic 7 BallA customly elongated version of Bram's Magic.
Bram's RocketSeven cubes (and one hole) in a frame. The cubes change orientation while being moved.

Bram's ShuffleA Moving-Hole-Puzzle in 3D and (even rarer) in octahedral shape.
Bram's SphereA minimalistic puzzle that uses two different axes but is still doctrinaire.
Bram's Sphere InvertedA minimalistic puzzle that uses two different axes but is still doctrinaire.

Bram's SquareA puzzle which combines intersecting plungers with rotations of large portions.
Brambabble BlockDesigned to have a weird geometry and successfully so: Seven Faces, eight corners and thirteen edges.
BramboulesInspired by CMetrick this puzzle pushes that concept to a new level.

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